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Calicioids of Temperate Regions
0.01 (development)
Eric B. Peterson


This reference list is an annotated bibliography of calicioid studies and includes papers not cited within the text.

  • [r][w][S] Aguirre-Hudson, B. , T. Kokubun, B. M. Spooner and L. Tibell 2007: Taxonomy of Calicium victorianum (F. Wilson) Tibell (Caliciaceae, Lecanorales), a lichenized ascomycete new to Europe. Lichenologist 39(5): 401-407.
  • [r][w][S] Allen, J. L. and R. T. McMullin. 2014. Chaenotheca balsamconensis, a new calicioid lichen on Trichaptum abietinum from eastern North America that is benefiting from widespread conifer fatalities. Bryologist 118(1): 54-58.
  • [r][w][S] Aptroot, A. and L. Tibell. 1997. Wegea, a new non-lichenized, calicioid Ascomycetes in the Arthoniales. Mycotaxon 65: 339-351.
  • [r][w][S] Aptroot, A. and L. Tibell 2003. Chaenotheca papuensis, a new species from huts in a mountain village in Papua new Guinea. Australasian Lichenology 52: 12-13.
  • [r][w][S] Benny, G. L., D. A. Samuelson, and J. W. Kimbrough. 1985. Studies on the Coryneliales. IV. Calicioipsis, Coryneliopsis and Coryneliospora. Botanical Gazette 146(3): 437-448.
  • [r][w][S] Bonar, L. 1971. A new Mycocalicium on scarred Sequoia in California. Madroño 21: 62-69.
  • [r][w][S] Fink, B. 1935. The Lichen Flora of the United States. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
  • [r][w][S] Groner, U. 2006. The genus Chaenothecopsis (Mycocaliciaceae) in Switzerland, and a key to the European species. Lichenologist 38(5): 395-406. doi:lO. 1017/S0024282906005810
  • [r][w][S] Harris, R. C. 1995. More Florida Lichens including the 10 cent tour of the pyrenolichens. Published by Author.
  • [r][w][S] Joneson, S. and Glew, K.A. 2003. Acroscyphus (Caliciaceae) in North America. - The Bryologist 106(3): 443-446.
  • [r][w][S] Kalb, K. and J. Hafellner. 1992. Bemerkenswerte flechten und lichenicole Pilze von der Insel Madiera. Herzogia 9: 45-102.
  • [r][w][S] Knudsen, K., J. Kocourková, and J. C. Lendemer. 2019. Calicium brachysporum, a rare California endemic. Bulletin of the California Lichen Society 26(2): 51-53. Online at
    • Transfer of Cyphelium brachysporum to Calicium with notes on identification and rarity.

  • [r][w][S] Kolb, A. and T. Spribille. 2001. Calicium corynellum (Ach.) Ach. in the United States, and Calicium montanum Tibell new for North America. Evansia 18(3): 90-92.
  • [r][w][S] Lee, S., J. E. Taylor, F. Roets, P. W. Crous. 2003. Rhynchostomatoid fungi occurring on Proteaceae.
    • Overview of rhynchostomatoid fungi with some nice illustrations including septate spores with spiral ornamentation, bearing some resemblance to Calicium.

  • [r][w][S] Lendemer, J. C., J. Kocourkov & K. Knudsen. 2008c. Studies in lichens and lichenicolous fungi: notes on some taxa from North America. Mycotaxon 105: 379-386.
    • Cyphelium brachysporum vs C. notarsii, and Chaenothecopsis kalbii.

  • [r][w][S] Lumbsch, H. T., R. Lücking, and L. Tibell. 2009. Molecular data place Tylophoron as an additional calicioid genus in the Arthoniales (Ascomycota). Bibliotheca Lichenologica 99: 285-296.
  • [r][w][S] Löfgren, O. and L. Tibell. 1979. Sphinctrina in Europe. Lichenologist 11(2): 109-137.
  • [r][w][S] Marincowitz, S. and M. E. Barr. 2007. Rhynchomliola quercina, a new rostrate ascomcete from oak trees in western Canada. Mycotaxon 101: 173-178.
    • Discusses relationships of rhyncostomatoid fungi and includes a key to the genus Rhynchomeliola.

  • [r][w][S] McCune, B. and R. Rosentreter. 1992. Texosporium sancti-jacobi, a rare western North American lichen. Bryologist 95(3): 329-333.
  • [r][w][S] McMullin, R. T., S. B. Selva, J. R. Maloles, & S. G. Newmaster. 2012. Calicium denigratum (Vain.) Tibell, a new lichen record for North America. North American Fungi 7(11): 1-5.
    • Color photos!

  • [r][w][S] Merrill, G. K. 1909. Lichen Notes No. 14. Three New Forms of Calicium. Bryologist 12: 107-108.
  • [r][w][S] Messuti, M. I., R. Vidal-Russell, G. C. Amico, and L. E. Lorenzo. 2012. Chaenothecopsis quintralis, a new species of calicioid fungus. Mycologia 104(5): 1222-1228.
    • On dung!

  • [r][w][S] Middelborg, J. and J. Mattsson. 1987. Crustaceous lichenized species of the Caliciales in Norway. Sommerfeltia 5:1-71.
  • [r][w][S] Muñiz, D., and N. L. Hladun. 2007. Mycocalicium llimonae, a new species from the Iberian Peninsula. Lichenologist 39(3): 205-210.
  • [r][w][S] Nádvornik, J. 1942. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der aussereuropäischen coniocarpen Flechten. Annals Mycologici 40: 133-139.
  • [r][w][S] Otto, G. F. 1964.Tholurna dissimilis new to North America. Bryologist 67(1): 73-75.
  • [r][w][S] Otto, G. F. 1970. New localities for Tholurna dissimilis in the pacific northwest. Bryologist 73(3): 635-636.
  • [r][w][S] Otto, G. F. 1972. New localities for Tholurna dissimilis in western North America. Bryologist 75(1): 88-90.
  • [r][w][S] Otto, G. F. 1983. Tholurna dissimilis well established in western North America. Bryologist 86(3): 263-265.
  • [r][w][S] Peterson, E. B. and J. Rikkinen. 1998. Stenocybe fragmenta, a new species of Mycocaliciaceae with fragmenting spores. Mycologia 90(6): 1087-1090.
  • [r][w][S] Peterson, E. B. and J. Rikkinen. 1999. Range extensions of selected pin-lichens and allied fungi in the Pacific Northwest. Bryologist 102(3): 370-376.
  • [r][w][S] Peterson, E. B. 2021. Stenocybe procrastinata (Mycocaliciaceae), a new calicioid fungus on Cercocarpus in western North America. Opuscula Philolichenum, 20: 37–43.
  • [r][w][S] Pike, L. H. 1972. Tholurna dissimilis in Oregon. Bryologist 75(4): 578-580.
  • [r][w][S] Prieto, M. and M. Wedin. 2017. Phylogeny, taxonomy and diversification events in the Caliciaceae. Fungal Diversity 82:221-238.
  • [r][w][S] Prieto, M., J. Etayo, and I. Olariaga. 2021.  new lineage of mazaediate fungi in the Eurotiomycetes: Cryptocaliciomycetidae subclass. nov., based on the new species Cryptocalicium blascoi and the revision of the ascoma evolution. Mycological Progress 20:889-904.
  • [r][w][S] Purvis, O. W., B. J. Coppins, D. L. Hawksworth, P. W. James, and D. M. More (eds.). 1992. The lichen flora of Great Britain and Ireland. Edmundsburry Press. U.K. pp. 138-141.
  • [r][w][S] Næsborg, R. R., E. B. Peterson, & L. Tibell. 2019. Chaenotheca longispora (Coniocybaceae), a new lichen from coast redwood trees in California, U.S.A. The Bryologist 122(1): 31-37.
  • [r][w][S] Rikkinen, J. 1998. Chaenotheca olivaceorufa (Caliciales) new to North America. Bryologist 101(4): 559-559.
  • [r][w][S] Rikkinen. J. 1999. Two new species of resinicolous Chaenothecopsis (Mycocaliciaceae) from western North America. Bryologist 102:366–369, doi:10.2307/3244223
  • [r][w][S] Rikkinen, J. 2003a. Calicioid lichens from European Tertiary amber. Mycologia 95(6): 1032-1036.
  • [r][w][S] Rikkinen, J. 2003b. New resinicolous ascomycetes from beaver scars in western North America. Annales Botanici Fennici 40:443–450.
  • [r][w][S] Selva, S. B. and L. Tibell. 1999. Lichenized and non-lichenized calicioid fungi from North America. Bryologist 102(3): 377-397.
  • [r][w][S] Selva, S. 1988. The Caliciales of northern Maine. Bryologist 91(1): 2-17.
  • [r][w][S] Selva, S. B. 2004. Coniocybe gracilescens and species of Sphinctrina with 1-septate spores. Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses 34: 19-23.
  • [r][w][S] Selva, S. B. 2010. New and interesting calicioid lichens and fungi from eastern North America. The Bryologist 113: 272-276.
  • [r][w][S] Spribille, T. and C. R. Björk. 2008. New records and range extensions in the North American lignicolous lichen flora. Mycotaxon 105: 455-468.
    • Chaenothecopsis nigra reconfirmed for North America.

  • [r][w][S] Storduer, R., U. Braun, and N. Tkach. 2010. Titov: Mycocaliciale PiLze der Holarktis - Ubersetzung der Bestimmungsschlüssel und Beschreibungen neuer Arten. Herzogia 23(1): 19-67.
    • Translation of Titov 2006 keys from Russian to German and English.

  • [r][w][S] Temu, S. G., S. Tibell, D. D. Tibuhwa, and L. Tibell. 2019. Crustose Calicioid Lichens and Fungi in Mountain Cloud Forests of Tanzania. Microorganisms 7, 491.
  • [r][w][S] Thor, G. 1988. Three calicialian lichens new to the continental United States. Bryologist 91(4): 367.
    • Calicium hyperelloides (plus Nadvornickia hawaiensis and Tylophoron protrudens, which are not treated here).

  • [r][w][S] Thor, G., H. Kashiwadani, K. H. Moon. 2005. Calicioid Lichens of Korea.. - Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 31: 1-3.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. and A. Beck. 2002. Morphological variation, photobiont association and ITS phylogeny of Chaenotheca phaeocephala and C. subroscida (Coniocybaceae, lichenized ascomycetes). - Nordic Journal of Botany 21: 651-660.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. and Frisch, A. 2010. New data on crustose mazaediate lichens from tropical Africa. In: J. Hafellner, I. Kärnefelt and V. Wirth: Diversity and Ecology of Lichens in Polar and Mountain Ecosystems. Bibliotheca Lichenologica No. 104: 323-332.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. and A. Frisch. 2010. New data on crustose mazaediate lichens from tropical Africa. In: Diversity and Ecology of Lichens in Polar and Mountain Ecosystems. J. Hafellner, I. Kärnefelt & V. Wirth (eds.), Bibliotheca Lichenologica 104: 323–332.
    • Calicium pluriseptatum described.

  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. and A. Koffman. 2002. Chaenotheca nitidula, a new species of calicioid lichen from northeastern North America. Bryologist 105(3): 353-357.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. and G. Thor. 2003. Calicioid lichens and fungi of Japan. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 94: 205-259.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. and A. Titov. 1995. Species of Chaenothecopsis and Mycocalicium (Caliciales) on exudate. Bryologist 98(4): 550-560.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. and M. Vinuesa. 2005. Chaenothecopsis in a molecular phylogeny based on nuclear rDNA ITS and LSU sequences. Taxon 54(2): 427-442.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1969. The genus Cyphelium in Northern Europe. Svensk Botanisk Tidscrift 63: 465-491.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1973. Notes on Caliciales, I. some species from Roumania. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 67: 445-455.
    • Chaenotheca hispidula and C. subroscida.

  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1975. The Caliciales of boreal North America. Taxonomy, ecological and distributional comparisons with Europe, and ultrastructural investigations in some species. Symbolae Botanicae Upsaliensis 21(2): 1-128.
    • This could be considered the foundational work on calicioids in North America.

  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1976a. Calicium denigratum (Vain.) L. Tibell, comb. nov. Botaniska Notiser 129: 131-136.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1976b. The genus Thelomma. Botaniska Notiser 129: 221-249.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1978. Comments on Caliciales Exsiccatae I. Lichenologist 10: 171-178.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1981: Comments on Caliciales Exsiccatae II. Lichenologist 13: 51-64.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1982: Caliciales of Costa Rica. Lichenologist 14: 219-254.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1984. A reappraisal of the taxonomy of Caliciales. In: H. Hertel & F. Oberwinkler (eds.): Beitrage zur Lichenologie. Festschrift J. Poelt. Beiheft zur Nova Hedwigia 79. J. Cramer, Vaduz pp. 597-713.
    • The foundational work on modern generic concepts among calicioids. Only the distinction between Phaeocalicium and Stenocybe seems to be challenged in the literature, though there is room for discussion of distinguishing Tholurna (consider Calicium adaequatum) and the boundary between Chaeneothecopsis and Mycocalicium based on ascus tip may be questionable (consider Mycocalicium sequoiae versus various resinicolous Chaenothecopsis).

  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1985. Caliciales Exsiccatae. Fasc. V (No. 101-125). Publications from the Herbarium, University of Uppsala, Sweden 16: 1-9.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1987. Australasian Caliciales. Symbolae Botanicae Upsaliensis 27(1): 1-279.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1991a. A New Species of Stenocybe from Western North America. Bryologist 94: 413-415.
    • Stenocybe clavata.

  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1991b. The Asterophoma anamorph of Chaenothecopsis savonica and its hyphomycetous synanamorph. Canadian Journal of Botany 69: 2427-2433.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1992. Crustose lichens as indicators of forest continuity in boreal coniferous forests. Nordic Journal of Botany 12: 427-450.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1993. The anamorphs of Chaenothecopsis viridireagens. Nordic Journal of Botany 13: 331-335.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1994. Distribution patterns and dispersal strategies of Caliciales. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 116: 159-202.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1996a. Caliciales. Flora Neotropica, monograph no. 1. New York Botanical Garden, NY, USA.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1996b. Phaeocalicium (Mycocaliciaceae, Ascomycetes) in northern Europe. Annales Botanici Fennici 33: 205-221.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1998. Crustose mazaediate lichens and the Mycocaliciaceae in temperate South America. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 71:1-107.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 1999. Calicioid lichens and fungi. pp 20-94 In: Ahti, T., P. M. Jørgensen, H. Kristinsson, R. Moberg, U. Søchting, G. Thor. (eds.) Nordic Lichen Flora, Volume 1.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 2001. Cybebe gracilenta in an ITS/5.8S rDNA based phylogeny belongs to Chaenotheca (Coniocybaceae, lichenized Ascomycetes). Lichenologist 33: 519-525.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 2002. Morphological variation and ITS phylogeny of Chaenotheca trichialis and C. xyloxena (Coniocybaceae, lichenized Ascomycetes). Annales Botanici Fennici 39(1): 73-80.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 2003. Tholurna dissimilis and generic delimitations in Caliciaceae inferred from nuclear ITS and LSU rDNA phylogenies (Lecanorales, lichenized ascomycetes). Mycological Research 107(12): 1403-1418.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 2006. Calicium in the Indian Himalayas. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 100: 809-851.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 2007a. Cyphelium lucidum new to Sweden. Graphis scripta 19: 48-52.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L. 2007b. Mycocalicium. pp. 250-254 In: T. H. Nash, III, C. Gries & F. Bungartz (eds.), Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. Volume 3. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe.
  • [r][w][S] Tibell, L., A. N. Titov, and E. Lisick. 2003. Calicioid lichens and fungi described by J. Nádvorník. Mycotaxon 87: 3-24.
  • [r][w][S] Titov, A. and L. Tibell. 1993. Chaenothecopsis in the Russian Far East. Nordic Journal of Botany 13(3): 313-329.
  • [r][w][S] Titov, A. N. and L. Tibell. 1998. Chaenothecopsis tristis, a rare resinicolous species of the Mycocaliciaceae. Mycotaxon 70: 471-476.
  • [r][w][S] Titov, A. N. 1994. A new Stenocybe species from Central Asia. Acta Botanica Fennica 150: 197-199.
  • [r][w][S] Titov, A. N. 1994. A new Stenocybe species from central Asia. Acta Botanica Fennica 150: 197-199.
    • Stenocybe ahtii.

  • [r][w][S] Titov, A. N. 1998. New and rare calicioid lichens and fungi from relict tertiary forests of Caucasus and the Crimea. Folia Cryptog. Estonica, Fasc. 32: 127-133.
    • Chaenothecopsis jaczevskii and C. trassii

  • [r][w][S] Titov, A. 1999. Chaenothecopsis tristis, a rare resinicolous species of  the Mycocaliciaceae. Mycotaxon 70: 471-476.
  • [r][w][S] Titov, A. 2000. Notes on calicioid lichens and fungi from the Gongga Mountains (Sichuan, China). Lichenologist 32: 553-569.
  • [r][w][S] Titov, A. 2001. Further notes on calicioid lichens and fungi from the Gongga Mountains (Sichuan, China). Lichenologist 33: 303-314.
  • [r][w][S] Titov 2006
  • [r][w][S] Tuovila, H. 2013. Sticky business – diversity and evolution of Mycocaliciales (Ascomycota) on plant exudates. Dissertation, University of Helsinki, Finland.
  • [r][w][S] Tuovila, H, P., J. Larsen, and J. Rikkinen. 2011a. Three resinicolous North American species of Mycocaliciales in Europe with a re-evaluation of Chaenothecopsis oregana Rikkinen. Karstenia 51: 37-49.
  • [r][w][S] Tuovila, H., J. R. Cobbinah, J. Rikkinen. 2011. Chaenothecopsis khayensis, a new resinicolous calicioid fungus on African mahogany. Mycologia 103(3): 610-615. DOI: 10.3852/10-194
  • [r][w][S] Tuovila, H., J. Rikkinen, and S. Huhtinen. 2012. Nomenclatural corrections in calicioid fungi. Karstenia 52:73-74.
    • Clarifies nomenclature on Chaenothecopsis oregana and C. zebrina; transfers Brucea castoris to Bruceomyces castoris due to prior use of Brucea as a genus of vascular plants.

  • [r][w][S] Vainio, E. A. 1927. Lichenographica Fennica III. Coniocarpaceae. Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 57(1): 1-138.
  • [r][w][S] Vitikainen, O. 1989. Additions to the flora of Finland. Graphis Scripta 2: 170-171.
    • Thelomma ocellatum

  • [r][w][S] Weber, W. 1967. A synopsis of the North American species of Cyphelium. Bryologist 70: 197-203.
  • [r][w][S] Wedin, M. and M. Grube. 2002. Proposal to conserve physciaceae nom. cons. against an additional name caliciaceae (Lecanorales, Ascomycota). Taxon 51(4): 802.
    • Retains name Physciaceae for the family over Caliciaceae despite the later having precedens.

  • [r][w][S] Wedin, M. 1989. Floristic notes from Sweden. Graphis Scripta 2: 144-145.
    • Calicium adaequatum, Calicium parvum.

  • [r][w][S] Wedin, M., H. Döring, A. Nordin, and L. Tibell. 2000. Small subunit rDNA phylogeny shows the lichen families Caliciaceae and Physciaceae (Lecanorales, Ascomycotina) to form a monophyletic group. Canadian Journal of Botany 78: 246-254.
    • Caliciaceae and Physciaceae are monophyletic.

  • [r][w][S] Wedin, M., E. Baloch, and M. Grube. 2002. Parsimony analyses of mtSSU an nITS rDNA sequences reveal the natural relationships of the lichen families physciaceae and caliciaceae. Taxon 51(4): 655-660.
  • [r][w][S] Williams, C.B. and L. Tibell. 2008. Calicium sequoiae, a new lichen species from north-western California, USA. Lichenologist 40(3): 185-194.
  • [r][w][S] Wirth, V. 1995. Die Flechten Baden-Württembergs, Volumes 1 & 2.  Eugen Ulmer GmbH & Co., Stuttgart. 1006 pp.

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