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Calicioids of Temperate Regions
0.01 (development)
Eric B. Peterson

Tibell 1984

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ID 2
ShortCite Tibell 1984
FullCite <p>
Tibell, L. 1984. A reappraisal of the taxonomy of Caliciales. <i>In:</i> H. Hertel &amp; F. Oberwinkler (eds.): Beitrage zur Lichenologie. Festschrift J. Poelt. Beiheft zur Nova Hedwigia 79. J. Cramer, Vaduz pp. 597-713.</p>
Annotation <p>
The foundational work on modern generic concepts among calicioids. Only the distinction between <i>Phaeocalicium</i> and <i>Stenocybe</i> seems to be challenged in the literature, though there is room for discussion of distinguishing <i>Tholurna</i> (consider <i>Calicium adaequatum</i>) and the boundary between <i>Chaeneothecopsis</i> and <i>Mycocalicium</i> based on ascus tip may be questionable (consider <i>Mycocalicium sequoiae</i> versus various resinicolous <i>Chaenothecopsis</i>).</p>
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