ODBAL: Occurrence DataBAse for Lichens

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ObsNum EBP#5275 [EOR has Connect failed: User nonparam_eric already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections parts]
Taxon Chaenotheca trichialis
Modifier ?
X -124.2577
Y 40.5716
Zm 44
Zf 144
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Nation U.S.A.
State California
Local Humboldt County
VertSource USGS NED
Macrohabitat Mature to old-growth Picea sitchensis forest on northerly slope with scattered Abies grandis.
MtsValley North Coast Range
Topopos lower slope
Directions Along Bluff Street Trail, Russ Park, Ferndale.
Vicinity S side of Ferndale
SubstrateOrder epiphytic
SubstrateClass conifer
SubstratePosition bark of trunk
SubstrateTaxon Picea sitchensis
SubstrateNote old-growth tree
ObsType PreservedSpecimen
ObsBy E.B.Peterson
ObsWith Tom Carlberg and Adrienne Kovasi
ObsDate 2022-01-16
Study CANL sequencing sample CCDB-25773 E01
DetBy E.B.Peterson
DetDate 2022-01-22
Det Notes Stalks very, very pruinose.  Ascospores 2-3 µm, asci catenulate, algae Stichococcus (though some Trebuxioid algae are present).
Prime 1

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EOR AddedOn 2022-01-22 19:53:29
EOR AddDate 2022-01-22
EOR EditedOn Tue Feb 1 21:16:57 2022
EOR EditDate 2022-02-01
Det AddedOn 2022-01-22 19:55:28
Det AddDate 2022-01-22
Det EditedOn 2022-01-22 19:55:28
Det EditDate 2022-01-22
Herbarium CANL
TransferDate 05/02/22
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