ODBAL: Occurrence DataBAse for Lichens

<<<---First | <<--1000 | <-100 | 100-> | 1000-->> | Last--->>>
MicrohabitatID SiteID SubstrateOrder SubstrateClass SubstratePosition SubstrateCondition SubstrateTaxon SubstrateNote AddedOn Old eorID
28362064epiphytic (bark)coniferousbark (outer) of trunkdbh ca. 1.5 mPseudotsuga menziesiiMon Nov 4 11:06:57 20132840
31112346epiphytic (resin)coniferousresin of branch scardbh ca. 20 cmTsuga heterophyllaMon Nov 4 11:06:57 20133115
36933584epiphytic (bark)hardwoodbark of trunkdbh ~1mQuercus garryanaMon Nov 4 11:06:57 20133697
33872218epiphytic (bark)coniferousbark of trunkdbh. ca. 0.5 mChamaecyparis lawsonianaMon Nov 4 11:06:57 20133391
723259epiphytichardwooddead bushdeadMon Nov 4 11:06:57 201376
41673683epiphytichardwoodbranchdeadAlnusMon Nov 4 11:06:57 20134171
49783892epiphytichardwoodwood of branchdeadQuercus garryanaMon Nov 4 11:06:57 201310565
50543917epiphytichardwoodbranchdeadArctostaphylosMon Nov 4 11:06:57 201310645
35692788epiphytic (bark)hardwoodbark of trunkdeadAlnus incanaMon Nov 4 11:06:57 20133573
49723888epiphyticconiferousdecorticate branchdead branch of live treeJuniperus occidentalisMon Nov 4 11:06:57 201310558
49733888epiphyticconiferousdecorticate branchdead branch of live treeJuniperus occidentalisMon Nov 4 11:06:57 201310559
28312058epiphytic (bark)coniferousbark of trunkdead old-growth treePseudotsuga menziesiiMon Nov 4 11:06:57 20132835
41053671epiphytichardwoodbranchesdead shrubAdenostoma fasciculatum?Mon Nov 4 11:06:57 20134109
41063671epiphytichardwoodbranchesdead shrubAdenostoma fasciculatum?Mon Nov 4 11:06:57 20134110
41073671epiphytichardwoodbranchesdead shrubAdenostoma fasciculatum?Mon Nov 4 11:06:57 20134111
41083671epiphytichardwoodbranchesdead shrubAdenostoma fasciculatum?Mon Nov 4 11:06:57 20134112
41093671epiphytichardwoodbranchesdead shrubAdenostoma fasciculatum?Mon Nov 4 11:06:57 20134113
41103671epiphytichardwoodbranchesdead shrubAdenostoma fasciculatum?Mon Nov 4 11:06:57 20134114
41123671epiphytichardwoodbranchesdead shrubAdenostoma fasciculatumMon Nov 4 11:06:57 20134116
41133671epiphytichardwoodbranchesdead shrubAdenostoma fasciculatumMon Nov 4 11:06:57 20134117
41143671epiphytichardwoodbranchesdead shrubAdenostoma fasciculatumMon Nov 4 11:06:57 20134118
41153671epiphytichardwoodbranchesdead shrubAdenostoma fasciculatumMon Nov 4 11:06:57 20134119
50553918epiphytichardwoodwood of trunkdead snagAcer macrophyllum?Mon Nov 4 11:06:57 201310646
53374071epiphytichardwoodexterior wood of trunkdead snagQuercus garryanaWed Oct 16 11:21:41 2019
50723926epiphytichardwoodwood of trunkdead stem of live treeQuercus kelloggiimature treeMon Nov 4 11:06:57 201310664
50733926epiphytichardwoodwood of trunkdead stem of live treeQuercus kelloggiimature treeMon Nov 4 11:06:57 201310665
53364074epiphytichardwoodwood of trunkdead stem of live treeQuercus garryanawoodpecker graneryWed Oct 16 10:40:16 2019
52534025epiphytichardwoodwood of stumpdead stumpQuercus garryanavery large diameterMon Jan 1 22:57:29 2018
513026epiphyticconiferousupper branchesdead treeBeach Pine (Pinus contorta contorta)Mon Nov 4 11:06:57 201355
523037epiphyticconiferousupper branchesdead treeBeach Pine (Pinus contorta contorta)Mon Nov 4 11:06:57 201356
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