ODBAL: Occurrence DataBAse for Lichens

<<<---First | <<--1000 | <-100 | 100-> | 1000-->> | Last--->>>
MicrohabitatID SiteID SubstrateOrder SubstrateClass SubstratePosition SubstrateCondition SubstrateTaxon SubstrateNote AddedOn Old eorID
52754046epiphytic (wood)hardwoodtrunkQuercusVery large decorticate snagSat Feb 2 17:02:39 2019
52764047epiphytic (bark)hardwoodbark of trunklarge old treeQuercus lobataSun Feb 17 17:43:19 2019
52774048epiphytic (wood)hardwoodbranchlarge old shrubCercis occidentalisSun Feb 17 17:55:58 2019
52784049epiphytic (bark)hardwoodbark of trunklarge old treeQuercus lobataSun Feb 17 19:07:54 2019
52794049epiphytic (bark)hardwoodbark of trunk at baselarge old treeQuercus lobataSun Feb 17 19:31:28 2019
52804050epiphytic (bark)hardwoodbark of trunklarge old treeQuercus douglasiiSun Feb 17 19:43:23 2019
52814051epiphytic (wood)hardwoodscar on trunkolder treeQuercus douglasiiSun Feb 17 19:58:06 2019
52824052epiphytic (wood)conifer?fencing vertical surfaceCedar?Sun Feb 17 20:04:09 2019
52834053epiphytic (wood)conifer?fencepost (cedar?)Sun Feb 17 20:21:19 2019
52844054terricolousnon-calcareousSoils: Bressa-Dibble Complex. Parent materials: co...Wed Feb 20 13:43:22 2019
52854054saxicolousnon-calcareousConglomerate of marine sedimentary or metasediment...Wed Feb 20 13:57:53 2019
52864055epiphytic (bark)hardwoodtrunklarge snagQuercus (douglasii?)Wed Feb 20 14:25:47 2019
52874055epiphytic (wood)hardwooddead branches of fallen treeQuercus (douglasii?)very old treeWed Feb 20 14:39:10 2019
52884055epiphytic (wood)hardwoodtrunkfallen treeQuercusoldWed Feb 20 15:17:09 2019
52894056epiphytic (wood)hardwoodscar on trunkQuercus chrysolepislargest tree at locationWed Feb 20 16:16:42 2019
52904057saxicolousgraniticgraniteWed Feb 20 16:44:36 2019
52914058epiphyticconiferexposed roots and rock at base of treemature treePseudotsuga menziesiion road cutWed Feb 20 17:29:44 2019
52924058epiphytic (bark)coniferbark of trunkPseudotsuga menzeisiiWed Feb 20 17:35:46 2019
52934058epiphytic (bark)coniferbark of trunkPseudotsuga menzeisiiWed Feb 20 17:41:46 2019
52944059terricolousgraniticdecomposed graniteWed Feb 20 17:48:02 2019
52954060epiphyticconifertwigsPseudotsuga menzeisiiWed Feb 20 18:18:02 2019
52964061epiphytic (bark)coniferoustwigsGinkgo bilobaca. 40 years oldWed Mar 20 21:21:35 2019
52974062epiphytic (bark)hardwoodamong mosses on bark of trunkJuglans nigraWed Mar 20 21:29:52 2019
52984063epiphytic (bark)hardwoodbranch in litterfalldying mature treePopulus trichocarpaThu Mar 21 19:20:58 2019
52994064epiphytic (bark/moss)hardwoodtrunkQuercus garryanaSun Apr 14 16:31:51 2019
53004064epiphytic (bark)hardwoodtrunkQuercus garryanaSun Apr 14 16:42:46 2019
53014077epiphytic (wood)coniferlow dead branchPseudotsuga menziesiiWed Apr 17 20:04:46 2019
53024078epiphytic (wood)conifertrunksmall, dead treePinus sabinianaWed Apr 17 20:06:36 2019
53034079epiphytic (wood)coniferroots of old tip-upPinus sp.Wed Apr 17 20:12:59 2019
53044080epiphytic (wood)conifertrunkdecorticate snagPinus ponderosa?Wed Apr 17 20:15:52 2019
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