ODBAL: Occurrence DataBAse for Lichens

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Western Cascades, , E of Eugene, SE of Vida

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SiteID 1486
Y (latitude) 44.118182
X (longitude) -122.467841
Zm (altitude, meters) 280
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XOrig 122°28.0'W
YOrig 44°07.1'N
VertOrig 280 m
Macrohabitat Young Pseudostuga menziesii stand with Alnus rubra, Acer macrophyllum, and Tsuga heterophylla
MtsValley Western Cascades
TopoPos riparian zone
Directions S side of the McKenzie River, SW side of road 1094 (crosses river c. 1 km W of Vida) just before road exits section to E
Nation U.S.A.
State Oregon
Local Lane County
Vicinity E of Eugene, SE of Vida
TRS 17S 3E Sect. 5 SE 1/4
AddedOn Sun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
AddedBy 1
Edited On 2010-02-14 00:00:00
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