ODBAL: Occurrence DataBAse for Lichens

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Coast Range / Willamette Valley, Lewisburg Ridge, N of Corvallis

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SiteID 2064
Y (latitude) 44.646509
X (longitude) -123.281211
Zf (altitude, feet) 840
Zm (altitude, meters) 250
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XOrig 123° 16.8' W
YOrig 44° 38.8' N
VertOrig 250 m
Macrohabitat Old-growth Pseudotsuga menziesii forest with Abies grandis and Acer macrophyllum
MtsValley Coast Range / Willamette Valley
Geolocation Lewisburg Ridge
TopoPos mid slope, NW face
Directions Below peak on Vinyard Mountain, near annual tributary to Soap Creek (Access from Sulpher Springs Road)
Nation U.S.A.
State Oregon
Local Benton County
Vicinity N of Corvallis
AddedOn Sun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
AddedBy 1
Edited On 2010-02-14 00:00:00
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