ODBAL: Occurrence DataBAse for Lichens

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Park Range, below Stagecoach Resevoir, S of Steamboat Springs

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SiteID 2688
Y (latitude) 40.292815
X (longitude) -106.799768
Zm (altitude, meters) 2424
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XOrig -106.799167
YOrig 40.292833
HorizSource GPS
HorizAccuracy 15 m
VertOrig 2424? m
VertSource GPS
VertAccuracy 15 m
Macrohabitat Mixed forest dominated by Populus tremuloides and Picea engelmanii with scattered Pinus contorta and Abies sp.
MtsValley Park Range
Geolocation below Stagecoach Resevoir
TopoPos moderate NW slope
Directions short distance up Sarvice Creek trail
Nation U.S.A.
State Colorado
Local Routt County
Vicinity S of Steamboat Springs
AddedOn Sun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
AddedBy 1
Edited On 2010-02-14 00:00:00
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