ODBAL: Occurrence DataBAse for Lichens

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SiteID LOCNAME Home Y (latitude) X (longitude) Zf (altitude, feet) Zm (altitude, meters) Map View XOrig YOrig HorizSource HorizAccuracy VertOrig VertSource VertAccuracy OrigHorizProj OrigHorizDatum OrigHorizNotes Macrohabitat MtsValley Geolocation TopoPos Aspect Slope Directions Nation State Local Vicinity TRS USER AddedOn D
3791030730camp038.61342-117.5202262281898CalTopoCalTopo-117.52022038.613242GPS15 m1898 mGPS45 mWGS84rock outcrop in Artemisia tridentata wyomingensis ...Toiyabe and Shoshone junctureSteep northerly aspectAlong FR018 between Toiyabe and Shoshone rangesU.S.A.NevadaNye CountyEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3790030729c038.543027-118.64958358171773CalTopoCalTopo-118.64958338.543027GPS15 m1773 mGPS45 mWGS84Sarcobatus baileyi - Menadora spinescens shrubland...Gillis Rangemidslope, mild northerly aspectAlong road from Fairview valley to Hawthorn (state...MineralNevadaU.S.A.N of HawthornEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3789040407Pinzl055001676CalTopoCalTopo1676 mGrayia spinosa, Psorothamnus, Atriplex canescens s...northern aspectWest of Palmello & Sylvania mountains, south side ...U.S.A.NevadaEsmeralda County6S 38E Sect. 5,NW1/4EricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3788030710Pinzl047001433CalTopoCalTopo1433 mEphedra, Psoralidium lanceolatum, Psorothamnus pol...S. end of Stillwater Range, east from N. end of Sa...U.S.A.NevadaChurchill County17N 32E Sect. 23EricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3787050602a041.36356-116.6554562001900CalTopoCalTopo-117.77813939.239439USGS 7.5 min Quad15 m1900 mUSGS 7.5 min Quad15 mPinus monophylla - Juniperus osteosperma / Artemis...Desatoya Mountainsjust below Skull Canyoncanyon bottomRest stop along HWY 722U.S.A.NevadaChurchill CountyEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3786050712a041.36356-116.6554500CalTopoCalTopo-116.65545041.363560GPS100 mWGS84Leymus triticaulis moist meadowOwyhee Bluffsflat within minor drawU.S.A.NevadaElko CountyNE of MidasEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3785050422-5038.62292-116.7051268602091CalTopoCalTopo-116.79112038.833970GPS15 m2091 mDEM 30mChrysothamnus viscidiflorus (?) dominated shrublan...Monitor Valleyflat alluvial fanU.S.A.NevadaNye CountyBetween Tonopah and EurekaEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3784050422-2038.62292-116.7051271982194CalTopoCalTopo-116.70512038.622920GPS152194 mDEM 30mWGS84Artemisia nova / Achnatherum hymenoides shrublandMonitor Range (W foothills)lower, 6 deg slope, facing 170 deg E of magnetic NU.S.A.NevadaNye CountyBetween Tonopah and EurekaEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3783050512e039.41212-115.5504264111954CalTopoCalTopo-115.55042039.412120GPS15 m1954 mDEM 30mWGS84Krasheninikovia lanata / Elymus elymoides(?) shrub...Newark ValleyValley flatsca 1200 m north of Highway 50, just south of small...U.S.A.NevadaWhite Pine CountyBetween Eureka and ElyEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3782050224c039.95075-119.5111141501265CalTopoCalTopo-119.51111039.950750GPS15 m1265 mGPS45 mWGS84pockets of Grayia spinosa / Poa secunda - mosses o...Anahoe Island, Pyramid Lakemid-slope on steep (~35 deg) N facing slopeEast side of Anahoe IslandU.S.A.NevadaWashoe CountyEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3781050224b039.95214-119.519140001200CalTopoCalTopo-119.51910039.952140GPS15 m1200 mWGS84Grayia spinosa / Bromus spp. with tufaAnahoe Island, Pyramid Lakemid-slope facing WWest side of Anahoe IslandU.S.A.NevadaWashoe CountyEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3780050224a039.95167-119.5101939731211CalTopoCalTopo-119.51019039.951670GPS15 m1211 mGPS45 mWGS84rocky slope with mix of non-calcarious boulders an...Anahoe Island, Pyramid Lakemid-slope facing WWest side of Anahoe IslandU.S.A.NevadaWashoe CountyEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3779050305b039.324614-119.29775143141315CalTopoCalTopo-119.29775140.324614GPS15 m1315 mGPS45 mWGS84Canyon hillside with Tetradymia glabrata, Artemisi...Winnemucca Lake BasinNorth facing ~25 deg. slopeNE of power line road on north side of 'lake', off...U.S.A.NevadaWashoe CountyS of GerlachEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3778050305a3040.326302-119.30675741081252CalTopoCalTopo-119.30675740.326302GPS15 m1252 mGPS45 mWGS84Edge of faint wash with shrubland of Atriplex conf...Winnemucca Lake BasinAluvial fan/ancient shoreNE side of power line road on north side of 'lake'...U.S.A.NevadaWashoe CountyS of GerlachEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3777050305a2040.32593-119.3076840891246CalTopoCalTopo-119.30768040.325930GPS15 m1246 mGPS45 mWGS84Edge of faint wash with shrubland of Atriplex conf...Winnemucca Lake BasinAluvial fan/ancient shoreS side of power line road on north side of 'lake',...U.S.A.NevadaWashoe CountyS of GerlachEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3776050305a.2000CalTopoCalTopoEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3775050511a038.258378-114.19778367882069CalTopoCalTopo-114.19778338.258378GPS15 m2069 mDEMWGS84Juniperus osteosperma / Poa secunda woodland with ...White Rock Mountainsjust uphill of a dirt road where mineralized water...U.S.A.NevadaLincoln CountyNE of PiocheEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3774050224d2039.95149-119.507138791182CalTopoCalTopo-119.50710039.951490GPS15 m1182 mGPS45 mWGS84Old shore (90 years?) of rounded rocks (chert?) ho...Anaho Island, Pyramid Lakemild toe slope with NW faceNorth side of Anaho Island, below steep bank near ...U.S.A.NevadaWashoe CountyN of RenoEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3773050224d038970CalTopoCalTopo-119.50710039.9514903897 ftGPS45 mWGS84old shore (~90 years?) with smooth rounded rocks (...Anahoe Island, Pyramid Laketoe slope facing NWNorthern side of Anahoe Island below short steep b...U.S.A.NevadaWashoe CountyEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3772050305a040.32603-119.3072441081252CalTopoCalTopo-119.30724040.326030GPS15 m1252 mGPS45 mWGS84Edge of faint wash with shrubland of Atriplex conf...Winnemucca Lake BasinAluvial fan/ancient shoreS side of power line road on north side of 'lake',...U.S.A.NevadaWashoe CountyS of GerlachEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3771050211a040.2931-119.2997738711180CalTopoCalTopo-119.29977040.293100GPS15 m1180 mGPS45 mWGS84Sarcobatus vermiculatus dunesWinnemucca Lake Basinsand dunesSouth of power line road, off main highway from Ni...U.S.A.NevadaWashoe CountyS of GerlachEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
377031207038.94474-121.0617200CalTopoCalTopo-121.06172038.944740GPS15 mWGS84Quercus woodlandUnnamed road off Bell Road, off highway 80U.S.A.CaliforniaEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3769Morefield5814041.927722-114.05554452501600CalTopoCalTopo-114.05554441.9277221600 mWGS84Open vegetation with Juniperus osteosperma, Achnat...mid slope, S facing ~20 degrees steepnesGoose Creek Area (41 55'50.1"N, 114 03'16.9"W, NAD...U.S.A.NevadaElko CountyEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3768050301A039.19834-119.7537547061434CalTopoCalTopo-119.75375039.198340GPS100 m1434 mGPS45 mNAD83Artemisia tridentata wyomingensis / Elymus elymoid...flatNW side of hill by hot springs at the north end of...U.S.A.NevadaCarson CityCarson CityEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3767041116E036.47416-114.162732373733CalTopoCalTopo-114.16273036.474160GPS15 m733 mGPS45 mWGS84sparse shrubs over gypsum soil outcrop forming sma...foothills, Virgin MountainsW off road to Gold ButteU.S.A.NevadaClark CountyS of MesquiteEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3766041116D036.45343-114.246021768539CalTopoCalTopo-114.24602036.453430GPS100 m539 mGPS45 mWGS84baren or with very sparse shrubs in small ravine t...foothills, Virgin Mountainsbottom of ravineW off road from HWY 15 to Gold ButteU.S.A.NevadaClark CountyS of MesquiteEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3765041116C000CalTopoCalTopoBarren, or with very sparse shrubs, but abundant s...foothills, Virgin Mountainsbottom of ravinefew miles W of road from HWY 15 to Gold ButteU.S.A.NevadaClark CountyS of MesquiteEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3764041116B036.47606-114.164862373723CalTopoCalTopo-114.16486036.476060GPS100 m723 mGPS45 mWGS84Sparse unidentified shrubs including Ephedra (thou...foothills, Virgin Mountainsridge-like gypsum outcrop in valleyalong road to Gold Butte from HWY 15U.S.A.NevadaClark CountyS of MesquiteEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3763041116A036.74659-114.225561647502CalTopoCalTopo-114.22556036.746590GPS100 m502 mGPS45 mWGS84Sparse Larrea tridentata/Ambrosia dumosa on undula...Virgin River Valleynear top of ravineFrom Highway 15 take exit to Riverside and Gold Bu...U.S.A.NevadaClark CountyEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
3760040817a039.33204-119.9037681332479CalTopoCalTopo-119.90376039.332040GPS15 m2479 mGPS45 mWGS84submerged in creek, surrounded by Pinus contorta, ...Carson Front of Sierra NevadaS side Mt. Rosecanyon bottom, E facing with ca. 2 deg slopeGalena Creek headwaters (west fork)U.S.A.NevadaWashoe CountySW of RenoEricSun Feb 14 00:00:00 2010
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